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An abbreviated Lenoir Cycling History & possible reasons for continued development.
My Objectives

1. To provide a simplified, understanding of the history of the Lenoir internal combustion motor cycling process and, in doing so, provide an understanding of why it was supplanted by other cycling processes.

  2. To answer the question of "what if". What if the Lenoir-cycle process were to be more fully developed? Could this once "97 pound weakling" rise to challenge the that which has been the "top dogs" for the last 130 years? (Otto and Diesel motors)

   3. Create a forum to allow for those interested to give feedback and contribute toward the advancement of this process.

Messages may be sent to me at . However, I may not be able get to all of them personally. If you have a question it might get included in the Questions and Answers page. Also, any correspondence might get copied directly and entered into this site as quotes. Especially those that are viewed as insightful.
   Continue reading to see the progression, the build-up, of the Lenoir-cycle process as it is transformed into the Lullen-cycle process.

© 2010 - 2011 by Walter E. Parrish. All Rights Reserved

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